Thursday, March 15, 2012

Maggie is ONE!

We celebrated Maggie's birthday the first weekend in March and it was quite fun! Yesterday she had her check-up and here are her one year stats:

Head: 19 1/2 in. (100%)

Height: 33 3/4 in. (100%)

Weight: 27 lbs. 10 oz. (99%)

I think it's safe to say she's a big girl! She's slimmed down a good bit since her last check-up. She's gained over 3 inches for less than 2 lbs. in the last 3 months. She's wearing 18-24 month clothes right now. Big Wy was in 24 month - 2t by his birthday. He was an inch taller and a few ounces less. I love to see the differences in my babies!

So while we were at the doctor's office, Dr. B noticed that Maggie has an ear infection. Lovely! I'm so thankful that it was found before high fevers started up and an extra visit was necessary! We got some antibiotic so it should head it off before it has a chance to really bother her. Maggie also had her hemoglobin checked. She didn't even flinch when they pricked her. They did note that her iron was a little lower than they prefer (10.8 instead of 11) so we get to go back in 6 weeks to have it checked again! In the mean time, we have a list of iron-rich foods and optional vitamins. Bring on the liver!
Here's a little info about our princess: Maggie is crawling,pulling up, standing without support, climbing (especially on her brother), laughing at the word "No", and doing many other normal 1 year old things. She loves to eat and play with Wyatt. She has nothing but smiles for Daddy, but she does prefer Mommy to hold her if she has the option. (I think I would appreciate this more if she weren't so heavy!) We love our baby girl so much and we thank God daily for blessing us with her sweet face!

Check back later for more pictures from her birthday and her party!

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