Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Baby #2 is...

So yesterday we went to the doctor for our 2nd trimester sonogram with the hopes of finding out what the gender is. We went in for the sonogram and the sonographer measured this and measured that and showed us bones and brains and we got to see the heartbeat some more, which is probably one of my favorite things. I just love seeing the little heart just moving and beating and pumping life into my sweet little monster inside me! Everything looks good and normal and healthy and that, above all, is the most important thing imaginable for us. The sonograher kept poking around, saving the good stuff for last and then it was finally time. She moved the little stick around and around and around and all we could see was a little foot blocking our view. I was sooooo bummed, to say the least. I have been going crazy just waiting to find out what this little baby is. However, she told us that since it was the end of the day, we could come back after we saw the doctor and take one more little peak! I was so anxious! After we talked to the doc, we had to wait just a little longer and finally we were able to go in. So what's the verdict?

It's a...

First, a picture of my pizza-loving man!

Okay, I'll tell you now!

It's a


Wyatt's going to have a little sister! Kev and I are both so excited! Before we went to sleep last night, I asked him if the shock had worn off yet. He said it probably wouldn't sink in until he had to change her diaper! I just laughed and told him it would definitely be a new experience!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Walking Machine

Wyatt has recently taken up walking as his preferred method of movement. It has been quite a long process to get to where we are today, but he is so fabulous! He took his first steps September 1st (you know--those 2-3 steps in between Kev and me). He got so tickled with himself and we would all clap. It's been very exciting! A month later, he's gained more confidence, letting go of our fingers more often than holding on. Thankfully, he's not so daring outside on the uneven ground yet, but with time I'm sure we'll all be chasing him around! It's so amazing to watch him develop and grow. I just keep loving him more and more all the time. So here are some pictures of his first outdoor walk with Daddy.

Have I mentioned that Wyatt loves hats?! He has even added it to his vocabulary (his second word after "dada")! He's so precious! I just can't get enough of him!

Monday, October 18, 2010

The rest of August/September

So not much is going on, but I have some pics from August and September that I haven't put up yet. So here goes.
Obviously this is my niece. This dress was my mom's. My grandfather brought it back from (or sent it from) Japan while he was there. He wasn't able to be home when she was born (his first child) so mom wore this when he finally came home. My sister and I both wore it and now it's E's turn. She's so precious and I hope I have a daughter one day who can wear it as well!
This pic just cracks me up. My little monster is just such a ham!
One of my favorite people came to visit last month. My cousin Nelson came in town to celebrate his birthday. I haven't seen him and he hasn't seen Wyatt since Thanksgiving last year. Obviously, Wyatt has changed quite a bit.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Allergies Part 2

Wyatt's allergy testing has been put on hold until he's a little older. We took him to one lab twice and another lab once and neither of them could get what they needed. They said he had good veins, but that they just kept rolling and it was hard to get them. I called Dr. B and she said she could usually get the hard ones so I took him in Monday morning, first thing. The result: Dr. B was surprised that even she was not able to get it done. We all decided that my poor little man had been tortured enough right now so it's the elimination game for us.
What does this mean? It means that the main foods that I thought might be causing problems for him have to be removed from his diet (which we pretty much already did) and will have to be re-introduced to him one at a time so we can try to figure out what his problems are. We still have the epi-pens for emergencies and if he non-emergent reactions, then we'll use the benadryl. It's a lot more stressful, but at least my poor baby won't get any more holes in his arms.
Now I realize that I haven't posted any pictures lately so I will try to post later today or tomorrow with some fabulous goings on lately! He's just growing and changing so much that I'm doing all I can to hold on to him and savor every moment I have with him!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It has become apparent that Wyatt has allergies. We've known for a while that he has seasonal allergies (not surprising since Kev and I both have them). However, we've recently discovered that he has some food allergies. Unfortunately, we're not exactly sure what he's allergic to. Here's the story:

About 6 weeks ago I fed Wyatt a little pre-made meal. I noticed that by the end of the meal his eyes were reddish, he was rubbing them a good bit, he was sneezy, and he had a bit of break-out around his mouth.
I decided to wait a while and try the meal again to see if he reacted again just to be sure it was that and not something else. Almost 2 weeks ago we tried it again. Well this time, it was worse. His breathing got really heavy and had a kind of wheeze on the end of each breath. He was pretty upset and crying and just holding on to me. There were a couple minutes there where I thought I was going to have to take him to the hospital. It was pretty scary and Kev was on his way home from a PTO thing so I was by myself. Wyatt did end up settling down, but his breathing was still heavy and wheezy. I finally called Dr. B (though I was very hesitant to call her at home). She was perfectly fine with it and told us what to give him. Needless to say, Wyatt slept in our room that night. I didn't sleep much because I kept waking up to listen to his snoring. He was so pitiful. It took a few days, but he finally started acting like he felt better.

So now we're trying to get Wyatt allergy tested. I've taken him 3 times to get his blood drawn, but it's very hard to do on a baby. He's done really well being stuck, he just screams because he HATES to be held down. Have I mentioned before that Wyatt has super-baby strength? Well he does. I takes all of me and at least another person to hold him down while the 3rd person tries to stick him. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to get the veins to stay still. So we've got to try again. In the mean time, Dr. B did prescribe us an epi-pen for emergencies. Apparently, if you're exposed to the same allergy trigger, it can be much worse the next time. It was in this case and if Wyatt does come up against this trigger again, we could be using that epi-pen.

Please pray that we can find out what is causing the reactions so we can avoid it and a possible visit to the ER.