Friday, December 9, 2011

Maggie's 9 Months!

So Maggie hit 9 months this past Sunday! We went to see Dr. B on Monday and she's still the biggest baby on the block! She has 3 teeth now and she's got the sweetest smile! Dr. B said that her AV Malformation seemed smaller in appearance and feeling it. I was hoping that she would say that because I was thinking the same thing, but didn't want to get my hopes up. I'm not sure if it will stay that way or go away or end up growing larger later, but we meet with the surgeon again in March so we'll see then! I was also thrilled to hear that she didn't need any shots yesterday! What a relief!

Here's her current stats (all above the 97th percentile):

Head: 18 3/4 in.
Height: 30 in.
Weight: 26 lbs.

I just checked Wyatt's stats from 9 months and she weighs the same as he did. He was 2 inches taller and his head was bigger, but there's no denying we grow large babies over here!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


November was a month. I took pictures for friends (I'll post some of those later), the kids were sick, I took a few pics of the kiddos, and we had Thanksgiving twice. Wyatt is on his 2nd antibiotic and Maggie is on her 3rd. Wyatt had an ear infection and lower respiratory infection while Maggie got a really bad sinus infection. We've had a time with all the doctor visits and fevers and snotty kids who just havn't felt good. They are doing much better now as they're finishing up this (hopefully) last round of antibiotics.

Aside from the sickness, I think I've decided that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No gifts or cards, just food and family! We celebrated Thanksgiving with Kev's family the Saturday before and then with my family on Thursday. Here are some pics from the events...yes Maggie is wearing the same dress because it says "My 1st Thanksgiving" and I got it 50% off and since we celebrated twice, she wore it twice. It's not like it'll be appropriate to wear it again!

We got to go look at Christmas lights while my sister's family was in town. Here's Wy and cousin E holding hands. They love each other so much!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Maggie Lately!

Here's a few things about the Maggster lately:

In August she was 5 months. We decided to see how she would do w/rice cereal because she seemed interested.

As you can see from the pictures, she was not a fan!

In September, she turned 6 months! Here are her stats:

Head: 18 in. (above 97th %)
Height: 29 1/4 in. (above 97th %)
Weight: 23 lb. 1 oz. (above 97th %)

She's our little chunk!
On more serious note, we found out that Maggie has an AV Malformation under her left breast. these can be quite dangerous if found in the head, but usually aren't in other areas. We met with a surgeon at MCG and both he and Dr. B will be watching it and making sure we're taking the right steps to take care of Maggie. They have both assured us that it's not something to worry about too much right now. It will probably be something we'll have to watch for the rest of her life, but we're working on giving it to God.

Now for a couple pictures I took for Maggie's 6 month/Wyatt's 2 year photo session (it was very quick and unplanned).I love her beautiful face!She's not quite sitting up for long intervals. This was taken very quickly!

My little ham! He really loves the camera now and if I pull it out he starts saying, "Cheese!"

She's a happy girl!

He's so handsome!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


So I finally got some pictures to at a time! I'm almost beyond frustrated w/blogger right now. Oh well. Here are the few that I decided to load because I'm just not patient enough to load all the ones I wanted.

Since Wyatt is an avid fan of all things that go, we had a Thomas/Cars birthday. Here he is with his Cars hat and train set from Noni and Grandpa. He was very serious about his new train set from the moment he saw it. We almost couldn't get him to do anything else for the entire party!

Wy with Noni and Grandpa

Wy riding his new Thomas "mo-mo" from Nana and JJ.

Running through the middle of the splash pad w/Daddy.

For his actual birthday, we went to IHop. I love my little man so much!