Friday, November 27, 2009


If I were to list all the things that I am thankful for, it would be a very long and boring blog, so I'll just list a few. First, I am so thankful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, because without him, there would be nothing to be thankful for. The rest of my list consists of all the blessings I have received from Him.
I am thankful for my wonderful husband who puts up with me and takes care of me. Also, my precious son, Wyatt. This was our first thanksgiving as parents and we are so blessed to have this little one. Lastly, I am thankful for our family and friends. We are lucky enough to live close to both of our families so we don't have to travel long distances to see everyone for holidays and such.
The last thing I'm going to say is thanks to God for all of these things. He has blessed me by giving me everything I've ever wanted. Ever since I was young(er), I've only wanted to get married and have children to make a family of my very own. I have lived by the verse, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart" (Psalm 37:4). I had faith that He would make it happen and He has.

Now for some pictures!
This is what Wyatt did most of the day.
However, he was pleasantly awake for some fun!

Wyatt with Nana, JJ, and cousin B.

Wyatt kept putting his arm up like he was hitting cousin B. They had a lot of fun!

My cousin N was in town and this was the first time he got to meet Wyatt. He was so excited!

Me with my grandmother and Wyatt.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It was Bound to Happen

I should have known better than to think Wyatt was sleeping through the night. Last night he woke up around 12ish and then again at his normal time, around 4ish. Needless to say, I'm a little more tired today than yesterday, but I'm awake so I thought I'd share. Maybe he'll sleep tonight...hopefully!

And here's Wyatt's newest found love. He discovered it while we were visiting my sister when she was on bed rest. It seems to be a good way to get him to spend more time on his tummy as well!

He's totally fascinated!

Considering my fascination with the t.v., it was bound to happen!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Time to Blog

I've been wanting to start a blog since I became a mommy. However, I was always too tired and didn't have enough energy to really do that (go figure!). Now, 3 months later, I'm finally getting around to it. I think it has something to do with the fact that my little man is starting to sleep through the night! WOO HOO!!

So here's a little about us: My hubby, Kevin, and I got married last year on June 7, 2008 (06-07-08). No we didn't plan it that way, it just worked out to be the first date that all of the elements lined up! At least we'll remember the date though. We both wanted to have kids right away so we started trying from the get-go. On our 6 month anniversary, we found out that we were expecting. We were super excited. We waited 2 weeks to tell our families and made it an extra Christmas surprise! Fast forward 8 months and you get our precious Wyatt! He is the biggest blessing either one of us has ever experienced.

Here we are at 3 months!