Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Baby 4

So it's been just over 2 years since my last post. Grady was just 5 months old and life with 3 kids became fun and busy and crazy and left not enough time for blogging at the time. I'd like to say that this is my triumphant return to my blog where I'll document our life now, but since we have another new little one, it probably won't happen. I'm really just here to write down the fantastic story of Baby 4's birth! Seven weeks later, here we go!

Jernigan Lee came into the world about 1:38 a.m., April 12, 2015. She weighed 8 lbs. 9 oz. and she was 21 in. long. Here's how it went down.

Warning! This post contains every bit of gory information. If you get queasy, I recommend the short version (labor progressed fast and we had a baby at home! She's beautiful and healthy. The end.)
Now for the long version:

After weeks and weeks of Braxton Hicks contractions as well as real ones thrown in the mix, I made it to 41 weeks. Saturday evening started just like every other evening. A bunch of contractions coming and going. However, this particular evening also brought about a slight bit of nausea which can be a sign of early labor. I had planned to go to Abbie's (best friend and doula) house that evening for some overdue hang out time and homemade mocha frappes courtesy of her hubby, Mark. After putting the kids to bed with Kev, I told him I'd keep him posted, but the contractions were just as likely to go away as much as they were to keep going. On the way to Abbie's, I called my mom to let them know to keep their phones nearby just in case. I was sort of thinking this night might be different.
We had a nice chat and the frappes were super yummy. The contractions continued, but they were just regular, early labor contractions that I was talking and laughing through and could've easily stopped at any time. They didn't, but I went home around 10:30ish, took a shower, and went to bed. The contractions were still going, maybe a little more intense, but not that noticeable with the hot water relaxing me.
Laying in bed, I had a contraction that was a little more intense. 10 minutes later, another that was more intense than the last and I was really needing to breathe harder this time. About 8-9 minutes later brought another contraction that was even harder to breath through. I figured it was time to get up and sat on the exercise ball and started the contraction timer so I could see any pattern and decide when we'd need to go in.
I had another contraction or two about 6-8 minutes apart and then they jumped to 2 minutes apart all along lasting a good minute long. After a few of those I decided we'd need to start getting ready to leave. At 1 a.m., I called my dad to come keep the kids and then called Abbie to let her know we would heading in as soon as my dad got there.
While we waited for him to get there, Kev loaded the car and the contractions intensified greatly. I began to wonder how I was going to manage the pain while riding in the car. Every contraction brought tons of back labor and Kev had to apply counter pressure which brought a good bit of relief. At one point, I finally reached the point that I told Kev I was done and would need an epidural when we got to the hospital. This should have clued me in that I must've hit transition because that's generally the part of labor when you call for the epidural (a.k.a. The point when it's too late!)
As we made our way to the front door, I had another contraction and Kev was right there with the exercise ball. The pain was only getting worse. As Kevin took one more thing to the car (probably my purse), I had one more contraction that took me from the exercise ball, all the way to the floor. There was no breathing through this one. I could only let out the most exasperated moaning of pain as I felt my water bag bulge and bust. I called for Kevin to get me some towels and to call 911. I told him the baby was coming "now"! It was about 1:30 a.m.
I handed him my phone and he handed it back to me to unlock it. Then he could  call! After he got off the phone with them (he had to keep repeating the address because they weren't seeing it on their map?), my dad walked in. I promptly told him to go to the other room. "Just go now!" He did not need to be in the room for this. Did I mention I was in the front hall, about 5 feet from the front door?
Kevin called Abbie as I was doing a couple initial pushes and let her know we were having the baby right then and she needed to come immediately. She thought he was kidding at first, but quckly realized he wasn't and ran out the door!
When Kevin got back to me, Jerni's head was coming on out and I finally felt a little relief and was able to breathe. Another push brought her on out and Kevin caught her. She let out a beautiful little cry to let us know she was okay. Of course Kev didn't have towels so he had to call for my dad to bring some. As I turned to look at her, her umbilical cord ruptured (blood went everywhere). I started to freak out because those are supposed to be clammed or tied off. Kevin, being the quick thinker, grabbed the end of it and held it tightly. It was at this point that I realized the front door is open. I could see the lights from the ambulance flashing outside so I just started calling for help. Dad ran out the door to get them to hurry up! The first EMT came in and saw Kev. His words were, "You keep holding that. I'm going to go get the L&D kit." I know what you're thinking (why didn't he bring it to begin with?). I assume they usually get to calls like this and just take a pregnant woman to the hospital.they probably don't find a baby!
Once they got the kit and clamped Jerni's cord, they were able to check on me. I think it was about this time that the firemen showed up. So now, in addition to the two male EMTs in my house, there are now 3 male firemen all in the front door area. That's 5 strange men seeing me in a way I had hoped only my female doctor and female nurses would. Yes, I was thinking about this after all that had happens. I try to maintain a good bit of modesty so I felt quite embarrassed. They even asked if I could get up to get on the stretcher myself! Hello! I just gave birth, haven't delivered the placenta yet, and I'm just hurting. So they get me loaded up in the ambulance and I finally pass the placenta. Thank goodness. I felt much better...until they weren't equipped to do anything with it and I had to ride to the hospital with it in my lap essentially. They did cover it up with a lot of sheets so that was a little better. Then they handed me my beautiful baby girl and we sped off to the hospital!
So things didn't go as planned, but everything turned out alright and we are so blessed to have another beautiful, healthy baby girl.
Everyone at the hospital enjoyed our story and the only thing that happened there worth mentioning is that people filling out paperwork can get confused when things aren't normal. First, the nurse was filling out the birth information, she asked what the time of birth was. I told her 1:38 a.m. I had discussed the timing with the EMT and that was the time we guesstimated. Second, the lady who was filling out the birth certificate information heard our story of how daddy caught the baby and promptly asked who delivered the baby. We sure know how to make things difficult!
So that's our Jerni's story! On top of being born at home, she is also our only baby who wasn't born on a Friday afternoon! I'm sure she'll keep us on our toes for the rest of our lives!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy Easter!

So Easter has come and gone and while we don't do anything particularly fancy, I have a few pictures to share! It rained on Easter Sunday and the kids needed naps so the egg hunt in the yard on Sunday didn't happen this year.  We did go to an event a nearby church the day before so the kids did get to run around and pick up eggs with candy in them and they enjoyed that!  We also went to Nana and JJ's house Sunday afternoon where they had a hunt set up inside the house! The kids had a blast!
Here's a few pics of the kiddos in their Sunday best!

Wyatt was exhausted and ended up taking a very early nap so Maggie came outside for a photo shoot!  Here's my pretty girl in her dress that Abbie made for her birthday!


There's just something sweet about a little one picking flowers! So precious and innocent...I love this season of life!

So excited!

Inspecting the loot!

Hey J!

I love the looks on their faces! Wyatt's so excited and Grady's probably thinking that he's had enough love for one day!

I guess I was zoomed in too much, but this is still a great picture of the kids with Nana and JJ!

I love those sweet smiles!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Feb Fun and March Madness!

Here's a few pics from the little camera from February and March.
We had a series of beautiful days here and there in January and February and took advantage of one of them in February by going to a nearby school playground!

 Reading with Grandpa. I guess he needs a bigger lap!

I found a series of shots of the G-man just chillin' with Daddy!

Pajama fun! Maggie sort of outgrew her warm pajamas and I didn't want to buy anymore since the cold season was about over so I dug through Wy's clothes and found his Cars pajamas. Maggie loves them! She loves to be like "Bubba"!

We also celebrated Kev's birthday in March?

These kids love to try to blow out candles!
So it doesn't look like much, but we had a newborn during cold and flu season so going out a lot wasn't really something we did. It's been unseasonably cooler this spring so we still find ourselves staying home.  Plus, with 3 kids to wrangle, the camera doesn't find itself being used quite as often when we do get out and about! Next up is April and then we should be caught up before all the summer craziness comes!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Maggie's Birthday!

So the last post had pics from Maggie's party, but here's some from her actual day of birth celebration! We visited Daddy at work that day. The kids love to go see Daddy at work.  They get to be admired by all of his students and play with the fun toys in the gym!

 Daddy walked into the boys bathroom and this is what she did when I told her she had to wait outside! She did not like Daddy disappearing for a minute!
Time for more cake!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Maggie is Two!

On March 4, our sweet princess, Miss Maggie, turned 2! We celebrated for many days leading up to her day, on her day, and a few days afterwards too!  We probably won't make a habit of this, but it just sort of happened that way this year.
We had her 2 year check-up and she's doing great.  She's growing well and our doctor is not concerned about anything in particular at this time.

Here are her stats:

Height:  36 1/4 in. (95th %)
Weight:  39 lbs. (100th %)

She's our big girl and we love her so so much!
Here's a few pictures from her party:

She got a magnetic dress-up doll named Maggie! How cool is that!?
Thanks also goes to Nana for the butterfly bows for her pigtails!

I think Wy was just as happy about new princesses and a prince for Maggie's castle!

Thanks to Noni for winning a gift certificate to a bakery and giving it to us! Maggie loved her Minnie Mouse cake!

 Dear Maggie,
For two years you have rocked our world! You never cease to amaze and you constantly catch us off guard. Your smiles are a treasure that you don't share with everyone and we are thrilled when you share them with us! You love to eat...everything! You love your brothers and you love playing with them. You say and do everything Wyatt does. You are so smart and mischievous and you keep us on our toes!
We love you to the moon and back times infinity!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Well, Let's See!

Now that it's been 2 months since my last post, I guess I need to get back to it.  I would say that it's been the same old thing around here, but we've had a few milestones that I need to get to!
  • Maggie turned two!
  • Easter
  • Grady is three four (almost five) months!
  • I've picked up a new job (nothing major, but I'm excited about it)!
Those are just the highlights.  We've also seen some serious cuteness and heard many funny things from the mouths of our always growing youngsters!

One example and a picture before I get to work on catching up:

Driving home from church Wednesday night, I was on the phone with my mom.
Wyatt: Momma! Who are you talking to?
Me: Noni
Wyatt: What kind of Noni?
me (a little thrown off): the regular kind of Noni?
Wyatt: Oh

Love these kids!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

3 Kiddos

So I think Grady's been getting most of the attention on the blog so I wanted to share a little of the other loves as well.
These kids are hysterical and I wish I would write down the funny conversations we have with them when they happen, because I rarely can remember them.

My dad came over the other week and we went to lunch and the park. He got a kick out of Wyatt's response to me. This is a daily occurrence so I guess I've gotten used to it:
Me: love you Wyatt!
Wy: love you too Mom!
Me: aw, thank you honey!
Wy: you're welcome Mom!

Last week, Maggie got my phone, which is a regular happening.
Me: do you have my phone? Who are you calling?
Mags: Noni! (Then to the phone) Hewo Noni!
Me: say how are you
Mags: how you Noni? (Now talking to her Elmo) Say hewo Noni. (Now talking for Elmo) Hewo Noni!

On a beautiful Sunday, we took the kids to Steak N Shake, then to a nearby playground.  Once we got in the car to go home, Wyatt's fit took over as expected.  Usually he just cries, "I don't feel good. Momma needs to check on me!"  That's what he always says and we're not sure why.  Especially since he says it when I'm standing over him disciplining him.  This day, however, he actually did what we always ask by using his words.  He was telling us that he was upset because he didn't want to leave the playground.  We were elated and started praising him for this.  I told him I loved him and he told me he loved me.
I told him Daddy loved him and he said, "I don't love Daddy, I only love you Momma."
So Kevin says, "Well I love you regardless!"
Wyatt quickly responded, "I'm not Regardless."
We just busted out laughing.  He had no idea he was so funny!

I can't get enough of them!